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The primary objective of the Food and Agriculture Export Alliance (FAEA) is to proactively identify and comprehend the considerations of foreign nations and officials regarding the establishment, revision and enforcement of food/feed safety and animal health/production laws and regulations. The aim is to strategically intervene before any potential trade-restrictive barriers are enacted, ensuring smoother market access for U.S. agricultural products.



FAEA's strategy involves a meticulous process of identifying regions and nations where food/feed safety and animal health regulations are in the development or modification stages that impact the products represented by FAEA members. Priority is given to those markets that hold significant growth potential and where FAEA members have a vested interest in maintaining or expanding access. 



FAEA's approach includes four main categories of activities known as MICA:


Management and Administration:

FAEA Staff: Comprising three dedicated members who manage daily operations.

  • Executive Director (ED): Leads the management and implementation of FAEA strategies and activities.

  • Program Coordinator (PC): Assists in administrative and programmatic functions.

  • Director of Codex and Global Affairs: Focuses on the execution of Codex-related strategies and initiatives.

  • USGC Staff: Supports day-to-day administrative tasks and acts as a liaison with the Foreign Agricultural Service.

  • FAEA Board Members: Ten board members and two U.S. Grains Council staff provide leadership, set priorities and evaluate organizational performance.

Information Gathering, Analysis, and Intelligence Sharing:

FAEA leverages its extensive network, including U.S. Government agencies, member staff and contractors, to collect, analyze and disseminate critical information. This process helps in influencing foreign legislation and ensuring that new regulations are science-based and do not constitute technical barriers to trade.

Capacity Building Activities

FAEA allocates resources to build technical capacity in target markets. This involves educating and training regulatory, health, and judicial decision-makers and staff in these countries through workshops and seminars. Local contractors are also engaged to facilitate these activities and provide timely updates on regulatory changes.

Advocacy for Codex and Science-Based Standards

FAEA conducts ongoing advocacy to support U.S. positions on international standards, such as those set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, OIE and IPPC. The alliance sponsors officials to participate in critical Codex meetings and uses its networks to promote standards that facilitate fair trade.

Continuum of FAEA Engagement Progress


Stage 01.

Assess market needs & opportunities.

Stage 02.

Development of relationships through seminars/workshops.

Stage 03.

Engage SPS, TBT & Codex offices & policy developers, and those involved in legal & regulatory development.

Stage 04.

Comment on development of regulations.

Stage 05.

Transfer FAEA programs to FAEA members.

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